Drive from Pokhara to Damauli
Drive from Pokhara to Damauli
Last view of Annapurna IV and II
Last view of Annapurna IV and II
Local houses on the Seti River
Local houses on the Seti River
Great place for lunch
Great place for lunch
White water rafting on the Seti River
White water rafting on the Seti River
Sue getting wet but remembering to keep her mouth shut!
Sue getting wet but remembering to keep her mouth shut!
White water
White water
About to get wet!
About to get wet!
Tent at Seti River Camp
Tent at Seti River Camp
Happy hour at Seti River Camp
Happy hour at Seti River Camp
Dressed to keep dry for 2nd day's rafting (the water was cold!)
Dressed to keep dry for 2nd day's rafting (the water was cold!)
Local transport near Tharu Lodge
Local transport near Tharu Lodge
Ox cart ride around the local village from Tharu Lodge, Chitwan
Ox cart ride around the local village from Tharu Lodge, Chitwan
Ploughing a field
Ploughing a field
Ox cart ride around the local village from Tharu Lodge
Ox cart ride around the local village from Tharu Lodge
Local children dancing for Diwali
Local children dancing for Diwali
Local children from village near Tharu Lodge
Local children from village near Tharu Lodge
Jamie Cullum look-a-like!
Jamie Cullum look-a-like!
Celebrating Diwali at Tharu Lodge
Celebrating Diwali at Tharu Lodge
Sue joining in the Diwali celebrations!
Sue joining in the Diwali celebrations!
Early morning elephant safari (Andy, Alex and Jane), Chitwan
Early morning elephant safari (Andy, Alex and Jane), Chitwan
Mother and baby asian rhino
Mother and baby asian rhino
Elephant bliss!
Elephant bliss!
Sunset boat trip
Sunset boat trip
Sunset boat trip
Sunset boat trip
Sunset boat trip
Sunset boat trip
Local girl dancing
Local girl dancing

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